poniedziałek, 14 listopada 2011

never awake

Gray buidings, streets and sky
I have sacrificed body and soul for this fu*kin' shit
You have sentenced me to be punished
But I'm sorry? I don't understand that
I'm not gonna cry, because I know
That it's only 178 days
These days are dependent of leaving this swamp
Fall to one's knees, ask for accelerator of time
Prison tears everything, I didn't deserve
It's not crime, which I made
So sayin' you, I'm not guilty

While you waking up, sleeping still
While you sleeping, waking up still
It's not necessary to die
When someone wanna just born again
Only dream, don't take that for real
It's wanna have laugh of yourself
Oh, darlin'! Let's play with it
We're never awake

Weird faces of motherfu*kers, shouts, noise
What do you want from me?
I said, it's not my fault
Bi*ch, have found a victim
Take your cross, scream of pain
While prayin'
Appreciate hurt, which lives inside you
I'm walking dark street, thinkin' of you
Hold hate in my heart
Which I cannot say goodbye
But it's only 178 days and I'll be free like bird then

While you waking up, sleeping still
While you sleeping, waking up still
It's not necessary to die
When someone wanna just born again
Only dream, don't take that for real
It wanna have laugh of yourself
Oh, darlin'! Let's play with it
We're never awake

Tekst nie musi być koniecznie napisany przeze mnie, ważne że opisuje to co ma opisywać :)